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Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7?the name says it all!
New functions of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7
* New all-in-one interface for intuitive operation and efficient workflow
* Automatic system analysis on start of the program
* Disc Doktor for hard drive maintenance
* Service Manager including online connection
* StartUp Tuner including online connection
* File Associator for automatic checking and repair of faulty file associations
* Improved scan algorithms for better cleaning results and greater security
Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 has fulfilled a number of development goals with great success. The new program interface and user guidance make it easy for even new users of Ashampoo WinOptimizer 7 to find their way around the application. But what good is a fabulous look and feel if the performance is not up to par? The secret behind the enhanced cleaning efficiency are scan algorithms which have been optimized to their fullest. Moreover, updated exception lists offer even more security. Automatic check routines and corrections including defragmentation guarantee the ultimate in convenience. The most popular function in Ashampoo WinOptimizer?the One-Click Optimizer?pretty much sums it up: You clean up and optimize your Windows system with just ONE click
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