This another hack which is brought to you by ‘HAD’.This tutorial will help you become a pro phishing page creator and you can create fake logins for any website or server like Yahoo,Orkut,Facebook,Myspace etc.To know what fake logins or phishing pages are read further.
DISCLAIMER I am not responsible for any damage caused by the user.This tutorial is purely for educational purposes.Please do not misuse this tutorial.
What are Fake login pages or phishing pages ?
These pages are generally used to steal passwords and usernames from the victim.For example,if I want a person’s Yahoo id,I make a fake login page which is similar to Yahoo’s login page.So when the victim comes into my page,he thinks it is Yahoo’s login page and types in his ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.But when he types in his password the page directs into the Yahoo error page (https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?) simultaneously the info he typed goes into my database using login.php file where other Victim’s have typed in their ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.
How to make Fake Login Pages/Phishing Pages ?
Given below are some of the steps with which you can create your our fake login page for any
website or server (Yahoo,Myspace,Hotmail,Zapak,AOL,Orkut….etc.).In this whole tutorial I’m
taking the example of Yahoo !For making any other server’s fake login do the same.You will get
the hold of it when you read the whole tutorial.
1.First go to Yahoo’s login page “https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym”
2.Right click on the page and go to “View Page Source”.
3.You will see the whole HTML coding in it of the page(Huge huh ?).
4.Then select the whole HTML by pressing CTRL+A and copy it by pressing CTRL+C
5.Open a ‘Text document’ or ‘Notepad’ and paste the Copied contents into it and the save it as ‘Yahoo.htm’
6.Then you have to make a login.php file.For that, open another text document and paste the
following HTML code in it
c.”http://www.hack-genius.blogspot.com\” but don’t forget ‘\’ after the destined URL.
e.”Email:” & “Password:”
7.Then save this document as ‘Login.php’.
8.Now to got to ‘Yahoo.htm’ and find (CTRL+F) ‘action’.
9.You will find something that likes like this action=”https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?” .
10.Change it to action=”/login.php”
12.Now find ‘Yahoo! ID’ and in the next line or near it you will find name=”login” (see closely)
So,here the id is ‘username’.(if ‘id’ does not exist then take the id=”**” or make a name=’**’ ,it is always there in
in yahoo)
13.Now, go back to login.php and replace ID name=”***” with ‘login’ (since name=’login’)
14.Find ‘Password’ and in the next line you will find name=’passwd’.So the name is ‘passwd’.Replace it with PASS name=’passwd’ with ‘passwd’
NOTE: Do not include ‘ in login.php.For example Email:$_POST[login]
15.Save both the files.
16.Upload them into any free hosting website like t35.com.Do not upload them into a directory!
17.Then to test it just type in some usename and password.
18.Refresh the control panel (the place where you uploaded the files) and them you will find
‘YahooPasswords.htm’ which is created and when you open it you will find the username and password that you entered.
If you want to see a sample Yahoo fake login page then just search in the search bar.There are nearly 7 fake login pages that i made and work perfectly.
Feel free to comment if you lost your way in the tutorial.
What are Fake login pages or phishing pages ?
These pages are generally used to steal passwords and usernames from the victim.For example,if I want a person’s Yahoo id,I make a fake login page which is similar to Yahoo’s login page.So when the victim comes into my page,he thinks it is Yahoo’s login page and types in his ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.But when he types in his password the page directs into the Yahoo error page (https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?) simultaneously the info he typed goes into my database using login.php file where other Victim’s have typed in their ‘Username’ and ‘Password’.
How to make Fake Login Pages/Phishing Pages ?
Given below are some of the steps with which you can create your our fake login page for any
website or server (Yahoo,Myspace,Hotmail,Zapak,AOL,Orkut….etc.).In this whole tutorial I’m
taking the example of Yahoo !For making any other server’s fake login do the same.You will get
the hold of it when you read the whole tutorial.
1.First go to Yahoo’s login page “https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2?&.src=ym”
2.Right click on the page and go to “View Page Source”.
3.You will see the whole HTML coding in it of the page(Huge huh ?).
4.Then select the whole HTML by pressing CTRL+A and copy it by pressing CTRL+C
5.Open a ‘Text document’ or ‘Notepad’ and paste the Copied contents into it and the save it as ‘Yahoo.htm’
6.Then you have to make a login.php file.For that, open another text document and paste the
following HTML code in it
$fp = fopen(“YahooPasswords.htm”, “a”);
fwrite($fp, “Email:$_POST[ID name="***"]\tPassword:$_POST[PASS name="***"]“);
echo “
Welcome To Allfreesoftware (remove the dobble quotes in the tags.
In this Code Change only the following ie. if you want to change itfwrite($fp, “Email:$_POST[ID name="***"]\tPassword:$_POST[PASS name="***"]“);
echo “
c.”http://www.hack-genius.blogspot.com\” but don’t forget ‘\’ after the destined URL.
e.”Email:” & “Password:”
7.Then save this document as ‘Login.php’.
8.Now to got to ‘Yahoo.htm’ and find (CTRL+F) ‘action’.
9.You will find something that likes like this action=”https://login.yahoo.com/config/login?” .
10.Change it to action=”/login.php”
12.Now find ‘Yahoo! ID’ and in the next line or near it you will find name=”login” (see closely)
So,here the id is ‘username’.(if ‘id’ does not exist then take the id=”**” or make a name=’**’ ,it is always there in
in yahoo)
13.Now, go back to login.php and replace ID name=”***” with ‘login’ (since name=’login’)
14.Find ‘Password’ and in the next line you will find name=’passwd’.So the name is ‘passwd’.Replace it with PASS name=’passwd’ with ‘passwd’
NOTE: Do not include ‘ in login.php.For example Email:$_POST[login]
15.Save both the files.
16.Upload them into any free hosting website like t35.com.Do not upload them into a directory!
17.Then to test it just type in some usename and password.
18.Refresh the control panel (the place where you uploaded the files) and them you will find
‘YahooPasswords.htm’ which is created and when you open it you will find the username and password that you entered.
If you want to see a sample Yahoo fake login page then just search in the search bar.There are nearly 7 fake login pages that i made and work perfectly.
Feel free to comment if you lost your way in the tutorial.
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