How many of the times you downloaded your favorite torrent,only find that there is very minimum seeders,or possibly dead ! How many times have you got stuck at 99.9% ?? or 20% whatever it may be !!
Worry no more.Here is a solution to all of that
Worry no more.Here is a solution to all of that
( I would advice for all the torrent users before downloading a torrent file , use the below method to see how many trackers are there and , i would also advice to use this method , as there is a increase in speed …. since seeders are more )
First you find the torrent you want say for eg in my case Ubuntu-7.10-(Gutsy) ** ” Big Cough ” ** [ Damn the weather ]
I went to public torrent tracer.. and found that torrent… now is the important part
Step 1
Download your torrent file (*.torrent) and dont start the torrent now ,just download the file.
Step 2
Go to http://btReAnnounceR.net
Step 3
Upload the *.torrent you downloaded just now in it and Hit Upload
Step 4
Now you will see all the related trackers for that torrent file other than the source of your torrent file you downloaded (REMEMBER:If there isn’t any other source then its worthless adding the same tracker)
Step 5
Select the trackers of your wish and Hit ReAnnounce (Its waste to add the same tracker from the same site,for eg : vip.thepiratebay.com ,public.thepiratebay.com, etc,since all these trackers from the same domain track the same file.)
Step 6
Now it will present with ReAnnounced Torrent File , Download it and load it into your Download Client…
Thats it… you have added all or some trackers other than the original tracker assoicated with the *.torrent file you downloaded initially
Now you will never Dry up of Seeders…
The same thing goes to dead torrents …
You stuck with some level in your torrent download .. just upload the torrent and download the reannounced torrent and load it again onto your client in which u are downloading the torrent and remember to point to the already available downloading file instead of creating a new one ….
Whats the Advantage ?
1.Since you add Trackers in the First place itself ( for who start the torrent intially by this method ) they will have great seeders
2.Chances of getting stuck at xx.xx % is very less
3.Improved speed
4.Older torrents / Dead Torrens can be Revived … ( to some extent atleast , depends again on trackers , seeders… )
5.Since multiple Trackers are involved , tracker related problems are nearly solved…
Whats the Disadvantage :
1.This works very poorly on private torrents … as the tracker are within the private trackers … so very limited of external trackers…
2.Not all torrents have so much of other trackers … so you should be lucky in those cases.
Please leave your comment guys..
And ask any doubt if you have…
Happy Torrenting …
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